
The Small Trailer Enthusiast is now offering advertising opportunities to dealers and manufacturers . What can advertising here do for your business? First, The Small Trailer Enthusiast is a unique website that covers a “small” segment of the RV industry: small travel trailers, pop-up campers, fiberglass “egg” trailers, and teardrop trailers, all under 20 feet in length. Founded in 2011, we offer our readers the most comprehensive resource website anywhere covering this growing segment of the RV industry.

The site is structured as part blog, part resource center. I periodically post news and features for various manufacturers. The most popular part of The Small Trailer Enthusiast is the Manufacturers page. Here, readers will find links to more than 200 small trailer manufacturers. This section consistently represents the most popular page of the entire website.

Traffic to the site has shown substantial growth since the site went live in September of 2011. In 2020, the site had nearly 219,000 unique visits and nearly 257,000 page views, monthly averages of nearly 19,000 and 22,000, and  daily averages of nearly 600 and 800 respectively.

The site also has a growing presence on Facebook and Twitter. To date, we have over 5,000 Facebook followers, over 900 followers on Twitter, and over 600 Instagram followers. Any time a post is added to the site, a link to the post is also put on the Facebook page and the Twitter account to all who follow, which creates even more traffic to the site than just search engine hits.

Our rates for a 150 x 150 ad on the sidebar of each page are 1 month for $65, 3 months for $175, 6 months for $315, and 1 year for $550. All you have to do is provide a preferred URL and a 150 x 150 artwork and your ad will be displayed on the  sidebar of each page where you see the “Advertise Here” box.  You can e-mail your artwork and any other questions to me at

10 Responses to Advertise

  1. Pingback: And Now a Word from Our Sponsor | The Small Trailer Enthusiast

  2. Would like information on advertising on your site. Thanks, Donnie W. Thomason

  3. Thanks will get information together to do a side bar ad. Donnie Thomason Phone 931-381-7370

  4. Do not see our ad on the side bar. Thanks, Donnie Thomason Phone 931-381-7370

  5. Hi – I would like to discuss the industry and marketing. We manufacture and sell ClimateRight A/C and heaters made for small RVs at and manufacture and sell

  6. Karin Gravley

    Hi, I like the little campers. I was wondering how much a used one would cost? I have an old camper without a door. Do you know where I could find one without paying an arm or a leg? I can’t find any at all online. Thanks!!


  8. Hello,

    can you please add to your list of manufactures, thank you

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