
Below is a list of manufacturers that specialize in or have small trailers in their line-up.  You may have to search through their floor plans to find the small units where larger trailers may be their norm.

Travel Trailers

Teardrop Trailers

Fiberglass Trailers

Hybrid Trailers

Pop-Up Trailers & Tent Campers


183 Responses to Manufacturers

  1. Karla

    I love following your website as I dream of having a small camper. I stumbled upon a SylvanSport trailer from a Nat’l Geographic quote. Have you heard of them or know of anyone w/ recommendations?


  2. Mark

    You need to put a link to Skyline RV!



    • roadmaven

      Will do, Mark! I’m a big fan of the Koala Eco Camp. Do you work at Skyline?

      • Mark

        Yes I do Pat! The Koala brand is part of the new generation of Skyline RV products. Thanks for posting the link!

    • Keeta Kay Cole

      Mark…RE: Koala model 18BH … would be nice if there was an option to replace the queen bed with a sleeper sofa of some type for those older couples of us who would be happy with the bunkbeds and a living room type space… in a smaller unit.

  3. Sean Cooper

    What about Trillium from souther california?


  4. Ted

    Hey Pat, for those who may be interested, Paradise Coast RV will have an unveiling to the public at the Cruise-In sponsored by the Boat Museum in Cassopolis, MI on Monday June 4th followed by the Cruise-In sponsored by The Kar Club in Niles, MI on Wednesday June 6th.

  5. Bob McIntyre

    I don’t see the Escape trailer from B.C. Canada I toured one last week and the
    quality and layout were awesome.

  6. Bob McIntyre

    And don’t forget one of the coolest trailers of all the ALTO by Safari
    Made in Quebec

  7. Laura Garcia

    Hello – your article comparing 14ft. trailers included the Dutchmen 814RB. Could you also link this on your manufacturers page? I have had mine since May and love it.

  8. Anyone know how towing a Tab RV with a 4 cylinder Rav4 affects gas mileage?

  9. John

    Hey roadmaven

    There is also a Trillium trailer here in Canada (as you mentioned already), down in Calgary. There wasn’t a link listed for them however.

    Seemingly “down” site is Taylor coach (Ontario).

    Great list all in one place. I’ve bookmarked this one. Looking forward to seeing it expand. If I happen to come across any others, I’ll toss out the link. We had a Class A RV. Sold that and bought a truck camper. Sold that and are downsized to a tent until we find a “smaller footprint” teardrop that fits our needs. SO many choices!!!

    Great site!

  10. Keoki

    Are there any websites you know of that have done a comprehensive review of the small trailers available in the US. I would like to get a very small, used, under 10,000.00 trailer and don’t know where to start.

  11. another smalltrailerenthusiast
  12. another smalltrailerenthusiast

    Maybe Add upstart to fiberglass.
    Maybe you can call the owner Robert at If you can find out anything on the upstart it might be a good blog post.

  13. Peter

    Your “” link does not work, though the link posted by John on Oct 16 does.

    The manufacturers list is a great resource!

    • John

      Weird, I just clicked on it both in my notification email and here and it worked on my end. Not sure why… try with www in front maybe?

    • Aaron

      Does anyone know of any dealers selling the Alto in western Canada? More so in the Alberta area?

      I’m looking for a compact lite travel trailer under 3500lbs GVRW.


  14. another smalltrailerenthusiast
  15. Kreig

    Rockwood Mini-Lite (sibling of the Flagstaff Micro-Lite)?

  16. Terry

    Hey, I own a 1974 anf suncamper and I’m looking for specs on it. More importantly, the weight of it (GVW). But if you can hook me up with more info that would be great.

  17. another smalltrailerenthusiast

    Can add Oliver to fiberglass. They are coming back. Their website should be up in 1 or 2 weeks.

  18. Nick

    Really like your site. Lots of info. I would like to ask for your help please. I’ve been searching for a trailer, looking at Trailmanor, but the price is outta my range. Are there other manufacturers that make that kinda style of trailer ? Having a hard time finding similar styles. Thank you.

    • Pat

      Hi-Lo is another company that makes that type if trailer. They went out of business a couple of years ago, although it wouldn’t be hard to find a used model on the market. The name and plans were purchased, but that organization has yet to produce a prototype, so I wouldn’t wait on buying a new Hi-Lo anytime soon. Plus, I’m guessing their price point will be out of your range as well. Probably your best bet is finding a good, used Trail Manor or Hi-Lo through Craigslist, eBay, or Also, I’d suggest joining an online forum dedicated to either brand. That’ll be another great way to acquire a used model, as many owners tend to advertise their units to other owners.

      Good luck!


  19. Nick

    Thank you for your help !!!

  20. I recently acquired an 1975 Dutch Craft 19.5 ft. All original with all of the original documentation, manuals, notes, accessory books etc. I intend to restore it and enjoy it. I can’t seem to find out much about the company. Does anyone know when the company discontinued production. They appear to still be registered in Lancaster PA. I would like to learn more about the history of the company.

    • Christine

      I just purchased a 15′ 1971 and have some of the books on it. My logo on the rock guard is gone and the trailer needs a gut job from years of leaking and being siliconed and caulked!

      The company was in PA and only in business for a few years. I cannot find much either.

    • Christine Swalgin

      John, I was hoping your would reply . My email is
      I am still seeking copies of original docs from Dutch Craft. I rebuilt mine last winter,spring and summer.

      • Blache Marie

        Hello, I have a 1978 Dutch Craft and no paperwork. I would love to receive a copy of your documents John. I would even pay a little bit. I’m living in mine, about to go on a cross country trip and I don’t know how anything works. Here’s my email

  21. jason

    just wondering why Casita isn’t included? I am new to this and trying to figure out the best family TT I can pull with a caravan. Kind of thought it was between the casita and r-pod until I saw this list! thoughts on best with bunks for kids? thanks

    • Pat

      Have no fear. Casita is listed under the “fiberglass” section.

      • jason

        any recommendations to save me weeks of research others have likely done already? 2 kids, caravan, weekend camping. Does r-pod stand out as ‘dare I say it’ the best pound for pound? I know there are hundreds but i am sure seasoned campers would a agree a few consistently rise to the top?

        • Mark

          The R-Pod has proven to be a very good camper, very flexible, and mod friendly. The owners community is very active for a camper that has only been around for a few years, and any questions you may have will be answered on either of the forums, or the FB group. Everyone’s priorities are different, but we have a ’11 177, two adults and two golden retrievers. Love it.

  22. Nicole

    We have an older camper. Not sure what year….I think a 1985. It’s a Valor. Any idea who makes these? Thanks.

  23. Sharon

    Have to say love our r-pod and the quality of Forest River. Considering upping to the Vibe but then saw the Microlite. What are major differences that stand out to anyone?

  24. Don

    Two very light weight canvas tent trailers not on your list include from lower B.C and from Edmonton Alberta. These are for the small car enthusiasts as they are under 1000 pounds.

  25. Lynn

    I love your list. I’ve referred to it many times over the past year or so as I do research on what model etc trailer we may be looking to buy. I just came across the Palomino Palomini, and see it isn’t on your list. It looks like a nice trailer. Has anyone seen one of these in person?

    • Pat

      Thanks a bunch for the heads-up! I hadn’t heard of this model, so I’ll definitely add it to my list and probably even do a write-up on it when I gather more info on it.


  26. I’m impressed with much information, many manufactures except…..”TOET” ….Yes. “TOET” manufacturing . The gentleman I purchased it from bought it new from a dealer in 2006, and he said they went out of business in 2009 ….? I have tried every thing to no avail. On history, or new co. Parts etc.
    I would be grateful to find anything on this 890 lb. Teardrop made of fiberglass shell, 8×6 Aluminum and steel chassis frame with torsion axle.

    Thank You, Ric .

    • Matt

      I just bought a Toet trailer made in 2006. My wife and I are in the process of converting it into a camper. Matt

  27. another smalltrailerenthusiast
  28. don

    You can add MicroLite to your list. This model is lite weight, though no propane system standard.

  29. Rochelle

    A newer, small trailer manufacturer I discoverd recently is in Florida. They have an ad on page 23 of the March/April 2014 Cool Tears And Tiny Campers magazine. Light-weight and affordable. They are also on FaceBook. Trouble is, I’m in California and shipping all the way across the country is cost-prohibitive… at least for now.

  30. Darla

    Hi all,

    I’m new here and I’m thrilled to see that SMALL is big here. :–) I’m going to be building a small custom RV later this year to travel solo full time throughout the United States.

    I’ve posted my RV plans online and I would greatly appreciate it if you would take a look at them and comment with your thoughts or suggestions. Anything that comes to your mind good or bad on my floor plan, equipment, decor, structural design. My RV plans:

    Thank you very much, – Darla

  31. James Johnson

    We found your blog while as we began looking for a small trailer. Have you heard anything about this maker: They are local to us and make “off the grid” small homes, garden sheds and teardrops. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks, James

  32. Deborah

    Do you know if paradise coast rv is still in business?

    • Pat

      Good question, Deborah. Haven’t seen any updates to the website in quite some time.

      • Deborah Freeman

        Paradise coast rv owner is a liar and a thief…he took our money and we got an unfinished trailer after nearly 2 years…he also ripped at least 2 others off as got a shell and some parts . They had paid in full and it took them longer than us. He should be ashamed of himself…I’m thinking he’s done this before.
        His name is Ted Simpson. Beware people!

  33. Pingback: Small trailers - Ford Transit USA Forum

  34. don

    Is the Toad still in business? The web site was up a month ago, with a big price raise. The web site name is now for sale. It must have died. It was a cute trailer that had possibilities, but the web site was terrible.

  35. liz

    I am looking at a new camper manufactured at San Diego little guy. Called the Meercat, very cute and light weight 900lb. Does anyone know them, pros or cons. thanks

  36. kim

    Hi. I just aquired a 1956 Hummingbird travel trailer and need to know who the manufacturer is……. can anyone help???

  37. Wild Bill

    There are a lot of small SUVs out there that can only pull 1,500 lbs. Most of the “ultra light” are at least 2,000 lbs. and up. Are there any trailers out there with a toilet/shower out there that can meet the 1,500 lbs.?

  38. Hello: We are a Leading Canadian Tear drop camper trailer sales company including Tear drop parts and accessories. Introduction to the tear drop trailer camper located in Newmarket, Ontario. Drop us a line or visit our site.
    We would be glad to assist you on your next project.

    Teardrop Trailers and DIY Kits are all produced here in Canada. Although some of our parts are purchased from outside of Canada in order to bring down costs, We produce the actual kits here in Ontario.

  39. Pierre-Paul Ferland


    You should add Sunset Park RV to the list. They have great product lines, especially the Sun Lite.

    • Pat

      Thanks for the heads-up! I remember hearing about them a few years ago, so it’s good to see they’re still around. I’ve got them added to the Manufacturers page. And thanks for reading!


  40. There is a new manufacturer of small trailers in Chilliwack BC called Kustom Kamping Industries. You can check out the website for more information.

    Thanks, Have a Great Day!

  41. Pingback: New Canadian Teardrop Manufacturer Emerges | The Small Trailer Enthusiast

  42. Cathie

    How do I find out how much a used trailer is worth without paying a website..! I see a lot of used travel trailers I like but don’t know a hill of beans on how much I should be paying ..


  43. Gareth

    Okay so am looking to upgrade my tent trailer and would like some advice:

    I’ve been looking at the R-Pod or the Jayco SLX (and am even considering to Escape 19). I have a truck and a family of 4 – 2 rambunctious boys aged 6 and 8. We take off during the summer to national parks and often go into off road territory. In 2 years time we have a year off and plan to go down as far as the Baja and maybe beyond… and so off road and remote/independent camping features will be important. Looking for mid comfort level (certainly not worried about flat screen tv’s and micro-waves!! Although it seems these are standard issue). I think bunk beds for the boys would be great. I’d rather have something with less bells and whistles and really well made so we reduce the chances of stuff going wrong – especially if we are in the are end of Mexico (so to speak). There… that should be easy!!! Ha!Ha! It’s my understanding from my limited research that the Jayco, R-Pod and similar models might be less sturdy than say the Escape… but the Escape isn’t? The Escape is probably too pricey for us and so any other advice would be welcome!

    • William

      If you are going off road you want the best built trailer you can afford. Might consider the venture sonic or sportsmen lines.

  44. Alexander Lawrecki

    Good day!
    I am interested in direct contact with the manufacturer of Rockwood Tents-Hard Side Series, for example: A192HW, A122S etc.
    Please send me a ways / information for contacting the manufacturer.
    Thank you!
    Alexander Lawrecki

  45. Alexander

    I am from Europe and looking for a dealer of Rockwood Tents-Hard Side Series (for example: A192HW, A122S etc.) somewhere in Europe.
    Please sent me some contact data to the manufacturer of these camp trailers (e-mail, telephone numbers etc.).

    Thank you in advance,
    Alexander Lawrecki

  46. Pierre-Paul Ferland

    Hey Pat,

    You could add another company to your list :

    They’ve a great product line, aluminium and fiber glass construction and very light products. Unfortunately, in their 16BB’s models, they choose to put a double bed instead of a queen bed like other companies, probably to get a bigger dinette…

  47. Eva

    Good evening and greetings from Alberta Canada,
    I am wondering if anyone might be able and willing to recommend a really, really light camper/trailer that would be the lightest there are. I have a Toyota Echo (now I think its called Yaris) and VW Eos, and I would like to buy something light enough that both vehicles could potentially pull. I am very much fuel efficiency conscious as well.

    Please help and thank you very much!


  48. Krista

    One more interesting pop up trailer to add to your list.

    I just emailed them, and they are starting to sell in the US as well.

  49. Nicole

    I am trying to find out which teardrop style trailers have bunk beds…or can sleep four?

  50. Darla

    I am looking for information on Lancer travel trailers. We just bought a 1971 Lancer and want to know the history. It isn’t a Lance but Lancer. Thanks!

  51. Hello everyone. My name is Larry and I’m looking for a referral to a company that builds aluminum fifth wheel trailers only. Without the camper or RV attached. I am developing a prototype for a new breed of structure. A cross between an Airstream, a futuristic train, and a tiny home. Many manufactures build steel fifth wheel trailers but aluminum is a different story. Thanks Larry

  52. Snflgus

    Hi, we love your site and greatly appreciate the list of manufacturers! Any suggestions where we should start to find a mini-, micro- or teardrop-type trailer camper that could sleep 4 in a pinch? We don’t need showers or anything fancy inside.


    • Pat

      Thanks for the compliment! As for the trailer of your dreams, a lot will depend on your budget and what your tow vehicle is.

  53. I am interested in discovering the lightest weight, most affordable, most durable ultralight car camper for my 2003 subaru x2.5 forester which has a towing capacity of 2400 lbs (fully loaded). All I want the camper for is for a warm place to sleep while camping, I do not need need any other features, as I can bring insulated water, ultralight backpacking stove with fuel, so I do not need a refrigerator, I do not need a stove, I do not need a sink, I do not need A/C. Just something insulated suitable for sleeping with a propane heater in it. A fold-up/out bed that serves as a couch/seat, with a fold-up/out table, will do. I’d prefer all aluminum to keep away from rust and rot and to keep the weight down. Is there any minimalist car camper manufacturer out there? Thanks!

  54. Billy Radcliff

    I am looking for a supplier for Thetford toilet parts

  55. Billy Radcliff

    The cassett model toilet.

  56. rebecca

    Looking for a small travel trailer in southern California. Teardrop or regular. around 13 feet. Any manufacturers in southern Cali?

  57. Wayne Timmons

    My wife and I just wanted to say thank you for your wonderful website. We have been looking for a tiny teardrop for about a year now, and your website made it so easy to find lots of teardrop builders. We ended up going with Tiny Camper Company in Florida, and just got back from a month journey in our camper exploring the United States. Super excited for upcoming gatherings ! Thank you so much , sincerely Wayne and Amber from Austin, Texas.

    • Foster Abernathy

      How did the tiny camper company teardrop work out for you? How is the quality of the build?

      • Wayne Timmons

        Hello Foster,

        Yes this did. They are a small company, but built our trailer really great! We have taken it from Orlando, Texas, all the way to Alaska. No problems. The only problem we had was we had to upgrade our tires after traveling so much. They provide a 13″ tire but after traveling so far we needed new tires. Hope this helps! Wayne

    • Heidi C

      We are looking at the tiny camper company. Do you still like your camper?
      What version did you get? Any issues? Did you get the futon bed or supply something on your own. Do you like AC hatch?
      Thanks for any info you can give.

  58. Mike

    Also check out in NJ. Nice small, family company.

    • Tim Husk

      These campers look just like Runaway Campers not bad looking, but I would not trust any camper built on a store bought frame like Harbor Freight. Seem like a bolted trailer wouldn’t last long.

      • Cenk

        Actually the MyMiniTrailer frames are bolted and welded frames.

        • Jerrold

          What does bolted and welded mean? Any high quality builder or US approved manufactures do not use bolt together or store bought trailer frames. Just looked this company up and could not find them in National Highway Safety Transportation and Administration. You can type any approved manufacturers and they are not on the list. Just seems fishy to me.

    • Heidi C

      Anyone own a my mini trailer? Pros and cons? What version? How is the construction? We are looking for something under 900lbs and under $5000 we do not need anything fancy just a place to sleep. Thanks

      • Carol

        Have you looked at the Viking 9.0 camper trailer? It’s very lite and under $5000 if you just want a small trailer to sleep in with a little storage.

        • kent brooner

          i have one. took it to Alaska and back. 10,000+ Miles and for a Month
          worked great. they now have a 9.0 TD V pkg that looks great. trying to find out how well built it is .

  59. Shonna Lord

    I have a 1973 Redd travel trailer and I can’t find any info or replacement items for it/

  60. Dale Bruce

    anyone tell me about the “Shrimp” Trailer? I just put money down on a mint 01…14′

    • W.

      We just purchased a 2003 14′ Shrimp and are looking for info on it too!!

    • Joe

      We purchased a 1999 Shrimp 14′ a couple of years ago and absolutely love it. It was in mint condition. It’s 1,000 kilograms (about 2,000 pounds) dry weight and I pull it with my six cylinder 2008 Rav4 which is rated for 3,500 pounds. No issues. They were manufactured for a while in Canada but I don’t think that’s the case anymore.

      • Michael

        I just bought a 2004 Shrimp 140 trailer . I’ve searched online for information about the manufacturer but have had no luck. Do you happen to have a manual or any information regarding who made them and where?

        • Barb

          I’m about to buy a 2001 Shrimp. My first trailer. Hope I’ve chosen well. Pulling it with my Jeep Cherokee Limited with towing pkg. any suggestions or things I should be aware of? Will mostly be Boondocking on my unserviced lot

  61. We are looking for a small camper and want to stay around 16 ft maybe 17 ft and spend $20,000. Love the T@B but they are a smidge small. What recommendations do you have?

  62. We manufacture light weight vintage style fiberglass trailers. Please add us to your list of manufacturers.


  63. Lorraine

    Please steer me to the right manufacturer who makes a trailer under 20feet, has outdoor kitchen with retractable awning and screened area, outdoor shower, indoor bathroom, twin beds instead of queen and set of bunk beds or fold down dining area. Would like indoor fridge and dining. All I see is space taken up by indoor kitchens.

    • Pat

      Lorraine – I can find all of those options you’re looking for; just not in the same trailer. If you could narrow it does to 2 or 3 of the most important features, that might help.

  64. Pierre-Paul

    Hi Pat,

    You could add the Sonic line by Venture RV.

    Also, do you know witch company have a similar product to the sl169vbh (bunk beds and a Murphy bed) but with a dry hitch weight lighter than 410 pounds ? I have a Toyota Rav4 4wd V6 and the maximum hitch weight is 350 pounds.

    Thanks !

  65. Pingback: Camper-Van 101 - Ford Transit USA Forum

  66. Patrick O'Flaherty

    Hello Pat,

    Do you know which of these brands have achieved accreditation with the RVIA – ANSI standards program?

    If they have not, should we, as consumers, be concerned about the quality?

    Thank you,


    • Pat

      That’s a good question. I’ve heard from some smaller manufacturers in the past that this particular accreditation is nothing more than paying the RVIA to have their sticker put on their trailer. However, I’ve owned trailers in the past that have had that sticker on it and have had to take it in for sloppy work at the factory. My own personal take? I don’t put much stock into it. I mainly stick to my own firsthand observations on quality as well as those of other owners.

  67. Marie

    The Hymer Touring, which is coming out soon, looks like a pretty impressive small trailer. Would love to see a post on that!

  68. Pingback: A Look at the Riverside Retro, Jr | The Small Trailer Enthusiast

  69. Jeanne Alter

    We just bought a Cadillac V-6 performance type crossover. It’s maximum amount allowable to tow is 2500 lbs. and I’ve been searching hopelessly for a super lite trailer that has an ordinary dry bathroom, and a queen size bed that we don’t need to perform gymnastics to get into… along with a kitchen and table for both of us.

    With so many manufacturers to choose from, I would have thought that I could find a few that would suit our needs… but it never dawned on me that the only thing out there was missing necessary elements.

    I’m not as concerned about the age as long as it’s in good shape… does anyone have any idea what will work for me?

  70. Jeff Lingo

    Another good line of simple teardrop trailers to add to the list is New Wave Teardrop Trailers:


  71. Pingback: 2016 RVIA Show Review | The Small Trailer Enthusiast

  72. I have a camper line you should add to this site. It’s eureka campers out of Columbia,tn. They are super light weight maxing out at 1800 lbs. so they can be pull by most cars and small sport utility vehicles. They have full standup head room and can be configured with a bathroom as well. Avg. price is around $5,500.00

  73. We would love to be added to the teardrop trailer section of your list. We manufacture 3 different models of teardrops including a retro style and an off-road teardrop. Our website is

  74. We would love to be added to the teardrop trailer section of your list. We manufacture a 4 x7 ft. and a 5 x 10 ft models of teardrops including wheel chair trailers. Our website is


  75. Pingback: Vintage Trailer Happiness |

  76. Pingback: Audio Story Draft – Jessica Beck

  77. Pingback: Audio Story Final – Jessica Beck

  78. Pingback: 1971 Terry Travel Trailer Manual – allinthewhole

  79. Pingback: 1975 Terry Travel Trailer Specs – allinthewhole

  80. Pingback: 1974 Terry Travel Trailer Manual – allinthewhole

  81. Elias – There are plenty of outdoor adventure companies around that offer outings all over Alaska,
    through southeast as a way to the Brooks range.
    There are several camp operators in United States offering great camping experience to your kids.
    These utilities are necessary to become carried along during a hiking or trekking trip.

  82. Julie S.

    Just retired and thinking about a “small” trailer that covers just the essentials as we want it mainly for meals and overnight accomodations while we explore our beautiful country. We will tow it with a Toyota Tacoma pick up truck. We would like minimum queen bed, an inside kitchen (small is fine) and we need a toilet as well. We want to buy it in Canada and live pretty close to Toronto area. Any ideas where to start?

    • Pat

      Julie – Your criteria nicely sets you up for a great many options. Without knowing your tow capacity of your Tacoma, what you’re looking for would put you in a 2500-3000 lbs trailer, which I’m guessing should handle your Tacoma. My suggestion is to hit all the dealers you have in the Toronto area and check out the brands they have to offer in terms of floorplans. If you find something you like, feel free to contact me at and I’ll be happy to help you sort it all out.

  83. Hazel Hudson

    Pat- Hazel and Jon from Atlanta , Ga.. My husband and I bought a trailer in March from Tiny Camper Company in Clermont/Orlando Florida I am so excited to find this website , because with out it we would have never bought our teardrop trailer. Thank you so much for such a wonderful website. PS we went through every manufacturer from this page. Everyone is great, we just had a connection with the owner at Tiny Camper Co. Thanks Hazel and Jon

    • Pat

      Thanks for the kind words! This is a prime example of why I started the site in 2011: to give folks like you the tools to compare and make the best possible choice of a trailer that fits their needs. As a fellow teardrop owner (Riverside Retro), a hearty welcome to Teardrop Nation!

    • Heidi C

      Do you still like your camper? What version did you get? How is it out on trips? This company is in my top 3 list. Trying to connect with owners. Thanks

      • Hazel Hudson

        The camper is perfect! The owner Joe is amazing. We found out about them because they do allot of Military Local events. Heck they give out a free camper a year to homeless vets in the area. Worth our business.

  84. randy smith

    Hi, I have recently discovered Sunset Park RV Manufacturing out of Shipshewanna, IN. I have seen a couple up close and seem to be good value, but cannot find hardly any reviews on these from anyone. Can you give any input on this product? Particularly interested in the Sunray 169.

    Ball Ground, GA

    • Pat

      Randy – I’m somewhat familiar with Sunset Park in that I’ve seen some of their units online, but not any in person. That sad, they’ve been around a few years now which says something. Honestly, I’ve never heard anything good or bad about them. But the fact they’re still chugging away and are still building trailer tells me they must be dependable.

  85. Glen Leighton

    I have a little fiberglass trailer I just bought. It’s a 2009. Two door. More like a tear drop. How do I post a picture of it? I did sent a message to Pat. Thought it might be a home built. As it said on title. But then I saw one two days ago. Didn’t have time to turn around and Chase him down. I call it “lol Fugly”

  86. steve smoot

    check out the also on facebook. They are not covered here, but well worth the look. All aluminum. The only wood in the units is the 3/4 inch plywood floors.

  87. Sherrie

    Do you know of any molded fiberglass rv manufacturers that make a model with:
    -full sized fridge (I think around 6 + cu.ft.)
    -bath with separate shower
    -bunks for 100 lb.+ kids/teenagers

  88. Please add DROPLET, the modern teardrop trailer.

  89. HMK

    I have a small car. I like my small car. I want to be able to tow a very basic trailer, which nobody seems to manufacture at anything close to what the average person can afford.
    My requirements:

    1. Either indoor cooktop propane burners, or enough counter/table space INSIDE to accommodate a portable camp stove. I hate cooking in the rain, or outside, and setting up an additional tent or add-a-room for this purpose defeats the purpose of having a travel trailer.
    2. I have to be able to stand up in it – at minimum, over the area where I’ll be cooking. If I have to crawl in or crouch while I’m inside, I might as well be in a tent on the ground.
    3. A bed I don’t have to fold out in order to use. Could be a single/twin bed size, doubling as a couch.
    4. Somewhere to sit down to eat. A table, a seat, or enough room to put these things. Big enough for one or two people.
    5. Propane hookups/a place to sit a BBQ-sized propane tank.
    6. Under 800 lbs.

    I don’t need a shower, oven, toilet, bunk beds, hood fan, or masses of storage. I don’t even need 12V electrical. A small propane fridge/cooler would be a nice-to-have.

    The motorcycle-grade trailers and fold-out tent-trailers are great, but you can’t cook INSIDE of them.
    The fiberglass trailers are great, but they’ve got all sorts of things in them I don’t need, and they’re over furnished, making them too heavy for me to tow.
    I’ve looked at the Roulotte Prolites; you’re paying a lot for not a whole heck of a lot, and the longevity of the exterior construction is questionable. They also start at 20k at the dealers in my province.
    Similar with the Taylor coaches.

    You used to be able to buy fully-featured traditional-styled popup-campers weighing less than 900 lbs; nobody makes them any more.

    I’ve seen some self-made teardrop trailers where the roof folds upward at the back – making the rear interior space livable/workable.
    Like the one this guy made:
    Nothing like this available commercially. – except the Safari Alto, which is too heavy and ridiculously expensive. At 30k+, I’d rather buy a camper van or mini motorhome.

    • Jon

      Livin Lite 8′ fold out model? Might squeak in you weight category, can put a propane burner on the counter and use one lb bottles. Not sure why you are OK cooking in a traditional pop up but not a fold out?
      To have the features you want in sub 800 lbs is a tall order. My 5×10 v nose work trailer is aluminum frame, aluminum walls and roof, aluminium siding, with thin wood panels on the interior and a plywood floor, still weighs in at 1000lb and thats nothing in it.
      Might be better off getting a 4×8 enclosed trailer and kitting it out yourself?

      • peggie

        I looked at a Livin’ Lite quicksilver 6.0 in person. It’s too unweildy for me to set up by myself. The videos all talk about needing more than one person for pretty much the whole line – and they’re really not wrong.
        There’s a youtube video of a woman doung it herself using crutches, a steptool and pool noodles. No thanks – I’ll just hurt myself.

    • Carol

      Viking9.0TD Camper Trailer or Coachmen Clipper9.0TD Camper Trailer might fit the bill for what you are looking for. Cross between pop up and teardrop, it has a bed, storage, counter space, fridge, ac, electric, and more. Because the rear opens like a pop up you have room to stand up. Check them out on Coachmen’s site or check out some videos on YouTube.

  90. Pingback: My Top 6 Small Trailer Picks for Couples | The Small Trailer Enthusiast

  91. Thanks for sharing Overland Trailer. This is a great master list you’re building here!

  92. Mark Bennett

    Hey, my wife and I are looking to buy a used small (13′) vintage type camp trailer, fixer upper ok but not a total wreck- don’t know where to start-we live in Brooklyn NY- any suggestions. anyone? thanks

  93. This is an outstanding list – so comprehensive! Would you consider adding Aero Teardrops out of Tigard, Oregon? Custom, feature-packed teardrop trailers with rooftop tents, roadshowers, overlanding options, bunks and more. 🙂

  94. Cory Benge

    Hello! I’m looking for a light weight trailer such as the the Livn’ Lite CampLite 21BHS. A few of my requirements are;
    1. Dual Axle for smooth pulling
    2. Aluminum Frame and Walls
    3. Fiberglass Exterior such as Azdel ect.
    4. Prefer Bunkhouse but would go with a non bunkhouse model
    5. No soft sided pull outs…we might use this unit in
    6. Dry Weight of around 3,800 or 4,000? With a Max GVWR of <5,200 lbs
    I'd even go with a cargo trailer that has been converted but we need a toilet that we can hook up to a septic and a hot shower.
    Your input and expertise is greatly appreciated.

  95. Pingback: 2018 RV Manufacturers Open House recap | The Small Trailer Enthusiast

  96. Cliff Johnson

    I just purchased a WeeRoll trailer, and it is well worth having them on this site.

  97. Aaron Howard

    Does anyone know where I can find a comprehensive list of manufacturers of vintage camper trailers? I’m thinking stuff like Shastas, Airstreams, Spartans, and the like.

  98. Just FYI, Moby1 is no longer producing trailers.
    If you’re a fan of Moby1 then you’ll love VORSHEER Trailers.

  99. Cathy P. Small fiberglass molded TT somewhat like the Weiscraft.

  100. Shane

    Is it possible to get a Canadian tiny trailer or teardrop trailer for under $8000? BC if possible. Just a basic hard shell sleeping space. Thanks!

  101. Can we get Outbound Trailer on the teardrop manufacture list?

    Great trailers for an affordable cost!

  102. Christine

    I’m buying a teardrop from HYK Outdoors in Missouri. They are fairly new and I don’t see them on your list, so it’s another one to add if you want to be comprehensive. They are also launching DIY kits.

  103. William S Spencer

    FYI – Meerkat Trailers link no longer exists.

  104. I noticed the Evolve Solar Teardrops is not listed. They are a Canadian manufacturer that builds lightweight teardrop trailers. I think they have been doing it since 2018. You should check them out, they are awesome!

    They do rentals too if you want to try it out first.

  105. Maggie

    We found Pathway Campers for friends of our’s who were looking for a mini camper. They’re a family biz who do custom and in-stocks. They’re in northern Wisconsin (specifically Irma, just north of Wausau) and offer such high quality campers!! We took a tour of their shop and were blown away at their workmanship. It is nothing short of perfection! Seriously, everything there was flawless and I’m very hard to impress being a perfectionist myself. Amazing builds! So, I’d strongly suggest you guys check their Facebook page, website, etc. Super impressive all around and really great people, too!

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