Not a lot of news going on right now, but here are a couple of tidbits…
–The Comet Camper has a nicely redesigned website: I first told you of the COMET Camper Project and its owner, Mariah Pastell, in June of 2013. Her updated website features a blog, e-courses designed to help with your downsizing process, information on consulting, photos, and a lot more. Be sure to check it out.
— I came across a new weather website recently that caters to campers, However, after reviewing the site, I still can’t quite figure out how it is any different than any other website any camper or non-camper could get their weather from. Take a look and if I’m missing something let me know.
However, as spring time approaches, it’s a good time to consider safety measures while camping. There are very good means of weather notifications while camping, including various smart phone apps as well as weather radios. But whatever means you choose, CHOOSE SOMETHING. I couldn’t think of camping again without some sort of access to weather information. That was magnified last November when I came across a story from an owner of a vintage Serro Scotty camper that met its fate thanks to a tornado that swept through parts of north-central Indiana. The owners weren’t camping in it at the time, as it was parked on their property. But as you can see from the pictures of the wreckage below, no one would’ve survived. So before you hitch up this camping season, set yourself up with a device that’ll give you the alerts that’ll prevent disaster.