We generally make it a habit of supporting state parks when it comes to our camping adventures. Generally the sites are are more spread out and the scenery is a little nicer compared to most RV parks. However, recently we had the opportunity to meet up with some fellow small trailerites at the Louisville South KOA in Louisville, Kentucky, organized by two former T@B owners, Ken & Bonnie Pleat. The Pleats are in their second season of workamping, and the Louisville South KOA is their summer “job” for 2012.

Up until our stay at the Louisville South KOA, we had stayed in just one RV park. We typically wouldn’t stay at a KOA due to their higher cost and close campsites, but since this was a special circumstance, we gladly decided to attend.

After checking in at the office, I was rather surprised to find a gentleman was waiting in a golf cart next to my truck & trailer waiting to escort me to my site. THAT was a first! Sure, I could’ve found my site on my own, but it was still a nice little perk.
As predicted, the sites were close together, but since we were among friends, I had no complaints. And any time I get a site that’s level from side to side, it’s worthy of praise.

The Louisville South KOA offers sites for just about any camping need, from tents through 40′-plus motorhomes. Don’t have a tent, camper, or motorhome? No worries, they also offer a nice selection of Kamping Kabins.

Other amenities include hiking trails, a heated swimming pool, miniature golf, a well-stocked store (with reasonable prices as well), and outdoor movies during the summer months. While we were there, the popular attraction for the kids camping there was the Jumping Pillow. These can be found at an increasing number of KOAs throughout the U.S., and the one at the Louisville South KOA was getting a pretty good workout.

And if your “kids” happen to be of the four-legged variety, there’s even a playground for them too:

After our experience at the Louisville South KOA, we plan on giving some more KOAs a try. With us camping with our 14 month old grandson on a somewhat regular basis, we like the family-oriented activities KOAs…and other RV parks for that matter…have to offer compared to camping at state parks. And to help offset the higher costs at KOAs, they offer a discount card where you save 10% off your campsite fees and accumulate points at the same time which you can use for credit on future campsite fees.

Overall, our experience at the Louisville South KOA was a good one. The employees there treated us well, the facilities were well kept, the comfort stations were clean, and there was enough to do to keep us occupied. It was everything I expected a KOA to provide and more. Hope your experience there gives you the same.