
Here you’ll find a list of online forums & message boards dedicated to small trailers.

Sierra-Scotty Yahoo Group:  For those interested in Sierra Motor Corp’s Campfire & Bak-Pak campers as well as Serro Scotty Worldwide trailers built from 2007-present.

T@B & T@DA Yahoo Group: The definitive source for anything related to T@B and T@DA trailers.

Casita Travel Trailer Forum:  Good source for info on Casita trailers.

Teardrops & Tiny Travel Trailers Forum: A GREAT site for info on teardrops & other smaller trailers.

Tiny Travel Trailers Yahoo Group Comprehensive forum covering just about every fiberglass trailer known to man!

Hi-Lo Trailers Yahoo Group: This group is for the discussion of HiLo Classic, TowLite, FunLite, and other Hi-Lo travel trailers.

Lightweight Camper Forum: Forum for owners of lightweight travel trailers.

r-pod Nation Forum: Over 1300 members strong!

R-pod Owners Forum

Oliver Trailers: One of the best fiberglass trailers is back!

KZ Sportsmen Classic Forum

Riverside RV Owners Forum

White Water Retro Forums: Riverside RV Retro Owners – Mods, Tips, Tricks and More

43 Responses to Forums

  1. enchantedcamper

    How about a group for HiLo Trailers?

  2. Peter Gaylord

    Hi Pat,
    Will the new Scotty Hi-Lander stay true to its original design? One of the best features is the raised refrigerator. Much better than having to bend over to retreive a cold beer on a hot summer day. Another great feature is the choice between a dinette or full size mattress. Since it features a front dinette, for 2, a rear dinette is not so important. Please advise of your findings and keep us up to date on new Hi-Lander’s progress.
    Keep up the good work. Yours is an excellent blog.

  3. Kim

    I am a owner of a 2010 KZ Sportsmen Classic 14rk travel trailer. We have a nice forum dedicated to Sportsmen Classic owners. The Classic line starts at 13ft to 20ft. It would be nice to have our forum listed on your webpage. Thankyou

  4. Mark

    There are two forums dedicated to the R-Pod, would be nice to see them linked/posted.

    Love the blog and info you provide, thanks.

  5. another smalltrailerenthusiast

    Oliver link broke above, needs

  6. Laurel Wessels

    After years of tent camping, we are stepping up to a towable trailer and are considering. Winnebago Minnie 1801. Does anyone have any experience with this cute little gem? We would appreciate any feedback!

  7. Tracy

    Hi, do you have any ideas on buying a used travel trailer? Are any brands that hold up better than others, any good websites…?

    Thank you – I love your site.

  8. Robert Hawk

    Enjoy this Before and After pictures of this ’58 Oasis restored on GAC’s Flippin’ RVs

    “Midnight in the Oasis” airs on GAC this Wednesday, Sept. 24 at 8 ET/7 CT

    Watch Justin and Anna from Flyte Camp Vintage Trailer Restorations hunt for and restore vintage trailers rescued for clients throughout the country.

    Check out more info about the show and future episode dates/times here:,3562,GAC_46045,00.html

  9. liz

    Hi we have been looking at the new Meercat from San Diego little guy. It is cute and lightweight 900lb. Has anyone had experience with one or heard any pros or cons. Hope to hear feed back.

  10. How can we get ourselves listed as a Canadian builder ? Thanks, Steve A.K.A “Tear drop” on facebook

    • Pat

      No worries. In the section under teardrops, I’ll put your business name with a link to your site and then I’ll put (Canada) off to the side.

  11. Kellie

    Just wondering if anyone else out there travels in an Aliner Cabin A. I’ve yet to see one other camper like mine and I’m feelin’ kind of lonely…

    • Dave B.

      Hi Kellie I know how you feel. I just purchased a Aliner Cabin A with a rear tip out bed and is 8ft wide and 12ft long unopened. I can not find a picture or article about it anywhere. I really like the trailer even if the inside finish isn’t so great. It only weighs 1500 pounds and the door is in front of the wheel. I have everybody comment on it and really like it. I can’t believe there isn’t a picture or article about it out there on the internet.

  12. branfon

    I have a 1980’s sunline camper I’m trying to get it down to the aluminum look of an air stream. Aircraft stripper and another 2minute stripper won’t take the primer off 100% any suggestions? Thanks.

  13. Doug Bioneske

    I am looking a for good online or other source to shop for a good used small trailer.
    The one’s I have seen are few and far between and seem to be really expensive. I live in the Seattle Tacoma area. Looking for a Scamp or Calista.
    I really can’t drive cross country to pick one up and it costs 2500-3000 to have it delivered. With their popularity why aren’t here any dealers in the NW.

  14. Deb Felton

    Hello everyone. I received a 1971 Serro Scotty Hilander from my husband as a birthday gift a couple of years ago. I will do a total rebuild on this precious camper. Unfortunately most of the original cabinets and dining were removed. I’m searching for someone to send me a template of the outside dining seats. I have looked everywhere to find one. I don’t want to guess at this. I saw that a guy on ebay was making them and again I was to late to order the new bench ends he produced. I was a house builder for years so I’m anxious to start this new project, after a bad accident I am unable to build houses. But this camper is the perfect project to get my motor started up again. If someone could just trace an image on paper I would be so happy and thrilled to pay them for there time and postage. Thanks a million. Deborah Felton

  15. Scott Van Dusen

    How about small hybrid travel trailer

  16. Margie Scott

    I have a question for you all” I am going to purchase my first and last pickup truck, to be used for tent camping now, eventually to be used to pull a small, hard shell trailer all over North America. The truck I’m looking at is a Toyota Tacoma. In your opinions, 1) is there a reason to get a double cab, or is the access cab adequate. It’ll be just me and my dog, occasionally maybe a friend, too. And 2) should I get a 4 wheel drive option? I don’t think I’ll do any off roading, but I plan to camp in every national park in the US and Canada. Dream big, right? 4 wheel or 2 wheel?

  17. Jonathan B

    Ok friends, what is the best under 20′ Bunkhouse trailer. I am leaning toward the Shasta Oasis 18 BH at this time, seems to be best value/bang for the buck for our family with 2 young children.

    • Pat

      Fortunately for you, your friendly Small Trailer Enthusiast host has the very Shasta Oasis 18BH. Quite pleased with ours, and it does offer the best bang for the buck in this widely produced floorplan. It offers storage that no other manufacturer offers in this floorplan in both the bathroom and the two cubbies at the end of each bunk. Whatever manufacturer you go with make sure you go with one that offers it in 8′ wide, which Shasta is one. Those who build it 7′ wide to cut down on weight take that extra foot out of the width of the dinette, making it impossible for a family of four to all sit in the dinette. Where are you located?

      • Jonathan B

        Great to hear, thanks for the reply! I thought I had read about the Oasis in this site. Thanks for the thoughts on the 8′ wide, that is definitely a difference, as I have seen a few that have a tiny dinnette and wondered why. We live in Oklahoma City and are looking to buy in next six months. Any major dislikes with the Oasis?

  18. Vivian F

    I have a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited (4 door, automatic trans). Anyone have a trailer that works with it? I’m interested in the Cricket right now.

  19. Scott Van Dusen

    any small truck will do fine I had a Tacoma and towed a RV trailer

  20. Narissa Bond

    Why is it that these trailers are so heavy when the average towing capacity of of most medium size vehicles is around 2000 lbs. European models are much lighter and better designed. I am a musician who would like a lightweight travel trailer that can be pulled by a gas efficient vehicle. This would make it possible to live on the road and travel our beautiful country. Come on America. We are the greatest innovators in the world. I challenge manufacturers to build a strong, well designed lightweight camper.

  21. Sarah

    Looking into buying a Vistabule or a Camp Inn. First time camper and wondering why there are no Vistabule or Camp Inn forums.

  22. Brad

    I see T@G is a fairly new name in the magnificent world of teardrop trailers. How about a forum dedicated to T@G since they are so different from Little Guy and T@B trailers? Is that a possibility?

    • Pat

      Brad – I don’t operate any of the forums listed. I just provide links to them, as they’re all run by other people. If you’re on Facebook, I know there are some T@B/T@G groups on there that are really active. Also, there is a separate section on the T@B forum on the nuCamp RV site that is dedicated to T@Gs:

  23. William Cowgar

    I came across the Wolf Pup new floor plan , the 15sw and on paper have decided that it would be ideal for me and my wife. How is the quality build on the wolf pup line? Is there any issues that’s common among the line?

    • Pat

      William – Of the entry level “stick & tin” trailers on the market, I’d put Cherokee’s Wolf Pup near the top of the list. The Cherokee brand as a whole has been making cuts into Jayco’s stranglehold on the market’s number 1 selling trailer. If you know you’re buying entry level, buy with confidence.

  24. Susan

    Has anyone pulled a 2018 micro minnie 2106 with a chevy tahoe and what are your thoughts did it pull good???

  25. If you love trailers you should visit our website for some great trailers

  26. Bob Andrews

    I have a pop-up camper trailer with 13″ 4-on-4 wheels and 5.30-12 tires. However, the spare that came with it is a 14″ 4-on-4 rim with A78-13ST tires. Will this work as a spare, or is it too big? Seems like the trailer would be going down the road at a tilt.

  27. Luxury Micro Camper for SUV, MPV, and Hatchback which having :
    Full Kitchen
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    Water Tank

  28. Rob

    Is anyone aware of a small lightweight trailer with the door on the front or rear wall like the lil snoozy trailer?…or know of anyone selling a lil snoozy?

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