The Small Trailer Enthusiast is a news gathering site aimed at those who have an interest in small travel trailers. What you’ll get are some articles & stories that I feel other small RV enthusiasts will find interesting, industry news, information on new models, and probably an opinion or two. You likely won’t find anything on here about trailers longer than 20′. Sorry!
I’m not someone employed by the RV industry. I’m just a regular RVer and a BIG fan of trailers small. Chances are, you are too…
Hi Pat,
Your thorough review of trailers is really nice to see. And I hope your blog becomes successful. I’m sure, with persistence, it will grow.
I work with my friend at ParkLiner who has started up his new egg trailer company after pouring years of love and time into designing. He’s now ramping up sales and production, and I was really pleased to see your mention of ParkLiner in the list of manufacturers. Thanks for the support, and if you would like any information about us, please don’t hesitate to let us know. I’d love to work with you to write up a bit of what it’s like to get a small trailer company off the ground and into production.
(I looked for a contact email address to thank you that way, but since there isn’t one, I hope the comment is okay.)
Warmest regards,
This is my first visit and want to give kudos on your blog and reviews, they are most helpful, if you have an e-mail list, please add me to it, unless you will be “tagged” through the Tiny House Blog.
Oops, just discovered the “subscription”.
Just found your sight. I have been looking at Teardrops, but would like something a little larger.
These look like what I am looking for.
I am actually looking for a work and play type model. I want to carry my motorcycle camping with us.
There is one called Intec xlt and max. They are just coming out with a a work and play model.
Terrific blog and thanks for doing what you do! I’m all over the BAL light trailer tire lever!
No problem…happy to do what I do! You’ll love the BAL!
How do I subscribe to this “blog”? I am in the market for a sm trailer and really liked this website.
On the right side of any page on the site, you’ll see the “Subscribe to Blog via Email”
feature. Just enter your email address there, click subscribe, and you’ll be on your way!
My parents purchased a Metzendorf in the late 50’s. My dad was a lover of adventure and history, so our family just followed his lead for some very interesting vacations. They had that trailer until the early 90’s when they sold their house. Glad to knows the model is being restored, or design being revamped.
I just purchased a 1975 Salls Camper Trailer 2200 lbs double axle. I am looking to find out who manufactured this camper and where I can get information bout it. (Manuals and specifications) Where I may get parts for this unit.
I just love this site! I too have a Scotty Hilander that I just got a month ago. I am planning to take it on the road at least once a month after I restore it. I am looking forward to reading more here. keep up the good work !!
Hi Pat,
Thank you so much for sharing so much great information and enthusiasm! I’m just learning, so I’ll be visiting here a lot! What you’ve written will save me hours and hours of research time. I’m so grateful!!
Congratulations on a great site. We are a custom teardrop builder in Salem OR. Laster year we built 25 teardrops and have built over 20 this year. Almost every trailer is fashioned uniquely for the customer. We use only the highest quality baltic birch for wals, cabin and galley construction, we affer all Cardinal powdercoat colors, Avery and 3M vinyl wraps. I was 30 years a CADCAM and CNC router distributor. Now we have our own CNC and all of our designs are co puter generated for exferior beauty and interrior space. Please have a look at our web site and and get a feel for the quality and craftsmanship we include in avery teardrop we make. We are just moving into a new 4, 400 square foor facility to keep up with orders. Teardrops NW would be proud to be listed in your directory. I would like to know what the criterion would be.
Thanks for reading this.
Bill Coberly
To Bill Coberly:
Please send me all of your brochures on each different model with price and an example of what kind of vehicle is needed to pull it.
Mary C Charest
P.O. Box 573
Earlville, NY 13332
Please email me the best vintage Shasta shops that sell completely redone vintage Shasta’s. They do not have to be put back together the way it was originally — in fact, something totally interesting and unique would be better. If you have brochures on these places please send to me at:
Mary C Charest
P.O. Box 573
Earlville, NY 13332
I am interested in discovering the lightest weight, most affordable, most durable ultralight car camper for my 2003 subaru x2.5 forester which has a towing capacity of 2400 lbs (fully loaded). All I want the camper for is for a warm place to sleep while camping, I do not need need any other features, as I can bring insulated water, ultralight backpacking stove with fuel, so I do not need a refrigerator, I do not need a stove, I do not need a sink, I do not need A/C. Just something insulated suitable for sleeping with a propane heater in it. A fold-up/out bed that serves as a couch/seat, with a fold-up/out table, will do. I’d prefer all aluminum to keep away from rust and rot and to keep the weight down. Is there any minimalist car camper manufacturer out there? Thanks! silver light air camp series. All aluminum
Found your site while looking for small camper for retirement travel with my bride. Should be very helpful to us in our search.
Glad you found us, Tom!
Hi Pat!
After 25+ years of camping, and marital bliss, my wife and I met our match. Flooded tent, downed power lines, destroyed dining tent, ravenous bug tornadoes…all in the first hour! We headed home for the night to regroup…the marital bliss is still intact…mostly. She headed back out to the campsite, hardier stock than I (wimpy husband). However, my search for trailering info,which we discussed at length during our hasty retreat home, brought me to this site. A God-Send Pat! Especially with sites denoted for us Canadians. This site may well save, or even extend, our camping bliss (not to mention marital bliss). Thank You Pat!
Hi! I was wondering where they build small trailers up in upstate Rhinebeck, NY. Your response is much appreciated.
I am interested in finding out more about the tab camper for myself to travel and be able to haul with my SUV.
Thank you
Any info on 1958 Phoenix— scamp— or Airstream Nest would be appreciated–
Hi Pat…came across your great website and was hoping you could recommend a show or exhibit that I could attend to look at options in the small trailer category. I attended an RV show in Pamona CA this weekend and was disappointed that there was little there to offer in this size category. I see that there are quite a few offerings online but can’t seem to find a place to see them in person. We used to have a Little Guy store in San Diego but it’s no longer open but even so, there weren’t a lot of models on the display the last time I went. Appreciate any help you could provide. Thanks, Orlando
Orlando – Unfortunately every show I attend as well doesn’t cater much to smaller trailers. Your question is one I receive often, and there’s no really good, convenient place to see a variety, unless you’re near a dealer that caters to small trailers, and there are very few of those. The best suggestion I have for you is jump on our Manufacturers page on the website and start opening up links. Take note of the ones you like and then go to the dealer locater on those websites to find a manufacturer near you. Or, you can go to and search by a particular model and floorplan and find a dealer that has them in stock. So yes, that means you’d likely have to visit a dealer, but don’t fear. As long as you tell them you’re just looking with no intent to buy anything in the near future, they typically won’t hound you.
I’m going to purchase a Retro whitewater 509 pulling it with a Subaru Forester do I need to have trailer brake controller ?
Eileen – If you know the 509 was optioned with the trailer brakes (they don’t automatically have them), it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get a controller. When it comes to trailer safety, I like to take every precaution which is why I optioned in the brakes on mine, despite hauling it with a Yukon XL.
How can I advertise on your website?