When I saw Teresa Miller post a picture of her and husband John’s 1960 Winnebago travel trailer decked out for Christmas on Facebook, I knew I had to borrow that for the cover for The Small Trailer Enthusiast Facebook page. But the more I thought about it, I realized I couldn’t just post that picture without going a little more in depth about the Winnebago and the folks who own it.
John and Teresa bought their Winnebago in 2013 while they still lived in Iowa, and aside from the exterior paint, it’s all original.
I had a chance to visit them at their southwest Missouri home in September to look into not only their Winnebago, but also their vast collection of Chevrolet Corvairs. They’ve got a great small trailer, they’re avid Chevrolet Corvair enthusiasts, and they live on Route 66. Since I’ve been involved with all three of those subjects throughout my 47 years, that makes John & Teresa just about the most perfect people I know!
As for their Winnebago, the interior is all original, with the exception of the curtains. Everything else is how it was in 1960, and the Millers tell me it’s in campable condition.
As for their Corvairs, I counted about a dozen scattered throughout their northwest corner lot on Missouri Highway 266 (an old alignment of US Route 66) and County Road 1210, which is just over 20 miles due west of Springfield. They purchased the home over a year ago and finally were able to move in full time earlier in 2015. Having owned two Corvairs myself totaling some 15 years, I was equally as interested in their herd of air cooled wonders as much as I was their trailer.
John & Teresa welcome road warriors traveling Route 66 to stop by to check out their Corvairs (and the Winnebago) they have on display in their huge yard that faces Route 66. It’s across the street from the popular stop for 66 travelers, the Gay Parita Station, so have your camera at the ready for some good photo opportunities at both locations.
To learn a little more about John & Teresa Miller, you can visit their website at http://jtvairs.com/.
(First three photos courtesy Teresa Miller)